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CPN / SCN Questions and Answers

There is a lot of different information everywhere, we try to give you the residency to all the questions you might have about CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) and our amazing programs.

Closed Accounts

Most of the time, when we talk about credit, we are talking primarily about the impact of open accounts.
But closed accounts are important too!
So what does a closed account mean for your credit?
In this article, we shed some light on the less commonly addressed topic of closed accounts.

Most of the time, when we talk about credit, we are talking primarily about the impact of open accounts. But are we underestimating the importance of closed accounts? Let’s shed some light on the less commonly addressed question of how closed accounts can affect your credit.

What Is a Closed Account on a Credit Report?

A closed account on your credit report is simply any credit tradeline that has been closed, whether it was terminated by the customer or the creditor. 

There are several different reasons why an account may be closed.

If you don’t use your account for several months, it could get shut down for inactivity.

If you don’t use a credit card for several months, for example, you could get your credit card closed for inactivity. In this case, your credit report might say “account closed by credit grantor” for that account since the lender was the party who terminated the account.

Other reasons a credit card may be closed by the creditor include:

The credit card issuer is no longer offering that type of credit card or is replacing it with a different card

The credit card issuer determined that there was fraudulent activity on the account

The card was stolen or lost

Consumers may also want to close their own credit accounts from time to time, in which case the account might be notated as “account closed by consumer.” As an example, if one of your credit cards increases its annual fee or you no longer feel that the fee is worth it, you might decide to close that account.

What Do Closed Accounts Mean on Your Credit Report?

Now that you know what a closed account is and why an account may be closed, you may be wondering what a closed account on your credit report means for your credit. 

The main impact of closing an account on your credit is the effect on your utilization ratio. By closing an account, you are reducing your total available credit limit, which could increase your overall utilization ratio if you have balances remaining on your other accounts.

Therefore, if you have balances on any of your other cards, you probably don’t want to close an account that is helping to keep your overall utilization down, as well as helping your ratio of low-utilization to high-utilization accounts.

On the other hand, if you pay down all your other credit cards to 0% utilization, you can close an account without impacting your credit utilization.

Try using our tradeline calculator to calculate your individual and overall credit utilization ratios and see how closing one of your accounts could affect your utilization.

Closed Accounts and Credit Age

Many people believe that once an account is closed, it will no longer count toward your credit age. However, according to an article by credit expert John Ulzheimer in The Simple Dollar, this is a myth.

“Credit scoring models like FICO and VantageScore do indeed consider the age of your oldest account and the average age of your accounts when calculating your credit scores. However, closing an account does not remove its history — including its age — from your credit reports.

Not only will the history of a closed account remain on your credit reports, but credit scoring models will continue to consider the age of the account as well. And, even better, a closed account continues to age. So, if you closed a five-year-old credit card today… in 12 months it’s going to be a six-year-old credit card.”

Are Closed Accounts on Your Credit Report Bad?

Closed accounts on your credit report are not inherently a bad thing. In fact, they can often be a good thing, as we will elaborate on below. 

However, delinquent closed accounts can definitely have a negative impact on one’s credit.

For example, if you had a credit card closed due to delinquency, meaning the creditor closed the account because you had stopped paying it, the account likely still has a balance owed.

Having a closed credit account with a balance on your credit report could really hurt your credit. According to some sources, closing a credit account removes its credit limit, so a credit card account closed with a balance would be considered maxed out or over-limit.

Credit utilization is a major influence on your credit score, so maxing out your utilization by having a credit card account closed with a balance could result in a big dip in your score.

However, other sources say that a closed account with a balance will be treated as an open account until the balance is paid off, at which point you can expect some damage to your score, especially if you have balances on your other credit cards.

The specific way that closed accounts are treated may depend on which credit score algorithm is used to calculate your score as well as other variables in your credit profile.

Should I Pay Off Closed Accounts on My Credit Report?

If your account was closed with a balance but remains in good standing, maintain its good standing by continuing to make payments until the account was paid off.

If your account was closed due to delinquency, the first thing to do is call your credit card issuer to check the status of the account. If the debt hasn’t been sold to a collections agency yet, you’ll want to start paying off the account immediately to prevent it from going to collections. You could end up with bad credit if you have a collection account on your file.

If the account is already in collections, however, whether you should pay it off is an entirely different question that depends on your individual situation. 

Open vs. Closed Accounts on Credit Report

In the tradeline industry, we often get questions about whether closed accounts have an impact on one’s credit and, if so, what value they hold relative to open accounts. 

This is an important question, because generally when you buy tradelines you are an active authorized user for one reporting cycle, and after you are removed from the account, it will begin to show as a closed account on your credit report.

Therefore, it is useful to know what impact the tradeline might have after it converts to a closed tradeline.

From what we have seen, closed accounts often can still be a very powerful influence on one’s credit score. 

It is possible to have a good credit score without having any open accounts. Remember, the age of a closed account still factors into your credit, and accounts continue to age even after they have been closed. Age and payment history go hand-in-hand and together make up 50% of a FICO score, and since closed accounts can still contribute to these factors, this implies that closed accounts can still have a strong effect on credit. 

However, closed accounts may have a diminishing impact over time, since credit scores tend to prioritize recent events.  

Can You Have Good Credit With Only Closed Accounts?

It is possible to have a good credit score while only having closed accounts in one’s credit report. We have seen examples of people with credit scores in the 700’s who only had closed accounts in their credit file.

Can I Have Closed Accounts Removed From My Credit Report?

If you have closed accounts on your credit report that are not delinquent or hurting your credit, then there is no need to remove them. They may actually be helping your credit, even though they are closed.

Accounts that were closed in good standing should automatically fall off your credit report after 10 years, while delinquent closed accounts will fall off your credit report after 7 years. 

How to Get Rid of Closed Accounts on Credit Report

If a closed account on your credit report is reporting inaccurately, then you can dispute it and have the credit bureaus update the account with the correct information or remove it.

Contact each credit bureau or check their websites for instructions on how to dispute closed accounts on your credit report.

If a Credit Card Is Closed, Can It Be Reopened?

In some cases, consumers may be able to reopen closed credit cards. If your account was closed due to fraud or delinquency, banks typically do not allow these accounts to be reopened.

If it was closed voluntarily on your part or due to inactivity, however, you might have a chance to reopen it if you don’t wait too long. 

Only some banks will allow this, and those that do have varying time limits as to when you can reopen an account, so check with your credit card issuer.

If you’re within the time window and your account is eligible to reopen, here’s how to reopen a closed credit card account:

Call the phone number provided on the back of your credit card (or if you don’t have the physical card anymore, look up the phone number for the customer service department for that card).

Be ready to provide your personal information and answer security questions.

Explain why you closed the account and why you are requesting to reopen it.

Some issuers may require a hard inquiry before they can approve your request, which could cause a small, temporary drop in your credit score.

If your bank doesn’t allow you to reopen the card, the next best solution might be to re-apply for the same card or apply for a new card altogether. 

Take-Home Points About Closed Accounts

Accounts may be closed voluntarily by the consumer or closed by the creditor due to inactivity, fraudulent activity, or delinquency.

Closed accounts are not necessarily bad and can even help your credit.

Closing an account could affect your credit utilization.

Closed accounts still contribute to your credit age and they continue to age even after they are closed.

Closed accounts can still have a powerful impact on credit scores.

Continue paying off accounts that were closed with balances to prevent them from going to collections.

You can dispute closed accounts that are not reporting correctly.

You may be able to reopen a closed credit card account depending on the circumstances.

Answers to all your questions on CPN / SCN Numbers


The government actually endorses consumers to have a CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) to protect their social security number from being compromised by identity theft.

More Information About 100% Legal CPN Number / SCN Number


Cpn funding program

Here are the turnkey packages below.

Each package comes with the following:
CPN number
DL copy front and back
Credit monitoring
Supporting docs (only if we’re doing the funding)

This is what we need to start
New Working Address
New phone number

Package 1 $1950
2 tradelines
$5k - $20k limit
1-3 years history
Can fund 5k+

Package 2 $2950
3 tradelines
$5k - $20k limit
5+ years history
Can fund 10k+

Package 3 $3500
3-4 tradelines
$5k - $20k limit
1-3 years history
Can fund 15k+

20% funding fee on backend
Add more tradelines….keep the funding going!
Pay the bills on time…keep the score up and keep the funding going!


CPN Number / SCN Number

First we have to say that a CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) are the same exact thing! There are a number of names people will use to refer to a CPN.

A CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) is a unique nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to all three credit bureaus. A CPN NUMBER /  SCN Number is registered with the Three Credit Reporting Bureaus the process to do so called TRI-Merge (Submitting your personal information & the CPN / SCN to the 3 credit bureaus) and after that you will be able to have payments and financial information reported to it.

Currently the U.S. Government allows you to possess and use another 9 digit number beside your Social Security Number (SSN) to compile your personal financial information. But you are not allowed to abuse these numbers and you will be completely responsible for any debts on your Social Security Number (SSN) and your new credit profile under the CPN Number / SCN Number.

It is your legal right to keep your Social Security Number (SSN) private by using a separate number for credit related purposes. The law says you are only required to disclose your Social Security Number (SSN) to the Internal Revenue Service, your work place (your employer), registering a motor vehicle, applying for a federally backed loan (FHA, Fannie Mae, etc), child support, DSS income, SSI taxes, and buying and registering a firearm.

A CPN Credit Profile Number SCN Second Chance Number will keep your SSN Social Security Number private and prevent it from being used or misused by those individuals or creditors that really are not entitled to ask for or handle it.

Note that a CPN Number  / SCN Number does not replace your Social Security Number (SSN)

This number can only be used for credit reporting purposes which means basic consumer credit only and nothing related to the government, FBI, or IRS.


How does a CPN Number and SCN Number Work ?

A CPN Credit Profile Number and SCN Second Chance Number can be utilized in place of one's Social Security Number (SSN) when applying for credit. It is a person's legal right to keep his or her Social Security Number (SSN) private and employ a separate number for credit related reasons after you received the number you will need to TRI-Merge your CPN Credit Profile Number with your personal information and registered with the three credit bureaus. then you will have a clean new credit file this profile will have a 0 credit score at the beginning because like Social Security Number (SSN) you need to build credit step by step. We can add credit reporting information to your ne CPN Credit Profile Number that will reflect a 720+ credit score and many years of instant history all within 30 days.

To Build a Credit Score You Have Two Options:

1.The slow and standard way when you are beginning to build your credit, start off small and look for all options available for those with little to no credit: apply for a no credit check Secured credit cards, Student credit cards & Retail credit cards

2.The faster way is adding Tradelines (authorized user accounts) How do we do that? You can ask to become an authorized user a close family member or friend's credit card is a great option to consider. The history of the card is reported to the credit bureaus, so if you and the card-owner use it responsibly, it should help the both of you. Or, if you don't have someone to help you, you can always ask to join our tradeline program. In most cases a family member card will allow you to be added as a card member user but the electronic reporting information may not always reliably report or show the proper history. Our service will always guarantee that our Authorized User tradelines will report faithfully the electronic information to your credit report and the appropriate years of open payment history.

When it comes to the FICO SCORE, any new credit file which is automatically created by the bureaus computer will be blank and you will need to re-establish credit by applying for a credit card or other credit lines under the law.

More Information About CPN Number & SCN Number

A CPN Credit Profile Number or SCN Second Chance Number is separate from your Social Security Number (SSN). It helps to protect one's Social Security Number (SSN) from various internet threats such as identity theft. These numbers can be used in place of the Social Security Number (SSN) when an individual applies for credit.

Creditors do not get any benefits when their clients get a new credit file. Based on the 1974 Privacy Act, a person is not obligated to give his or her Social Security Number (SSN) to any private entities. When it comes to the legality, CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) are completely legal. However, it should be kept in mind that they can be utilized for credit purposes only and not for deceitful intentions.

Using a CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) makes it easier to segregate finances in the event of identity theft. Without access to a Social Security Number (SSN) the thief is somewhat limited in the amount of difficulties they are creating for the rightful owner of the number.

Getting a CPN Credit Pivacy Number Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) does not release a person from his or her previous debts. In fact the individual remains liable for all debts incurred on credit accounts referencing a SSN OR CPN OR SCN. Obtaining this number will not replace old bad credit. That is what makes it different from any credit repair or restoration scams.

You can use a CPN Credit Profile Number / SCN Second Chance Number Number for anything that usually requires credit reporting purposes.You can use a CPN Credit Profile Number to get: Credit Cards, Auto loans, Cable, Utilities, Apartments, Office and open Bank accounts.

FBI Website:

“Credit Privacy Numbers (CPNs) are nine-digit file numbers that follow the same algorithm as Social Security Account Numbers (SSANs). Currently, federal law allows individuals to legally use CPNs for financial reporting and protects those individuals who do not wish to disclose their SSAN. Individuals who acquire CPNs are completely responsible for any debt they incur using this number"

Our CPN Number / SCN Number programs Will Change Your Life!


We have come up with many innovative CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number programs over the years but I must say the banks response to the misuse of CPN credit profile number SCN second chance numbers has brought these programs to a quick halt. The government has a requirement that all CPN credit profile number SCN second chance numbers that are used for consumer credit purposes be managed properly by paying all debts responsibly and on time or it could be construed as credit or bank fraud. 

Many folks would purchase a CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number in order to create a new credit profile or a clean slate fresh start credit profile in order to quickly start a new credit beginning or simply to allow their credit profile to be protected and operate separately and securely from their SSN social security number credit file. Many people over the past years have abused the legal privilege of having a CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number and credit profile by amassing consumer based credit products such as credit cards, cash loans, and automobile loans. I have had many calls from investigators over the years of people that were caught by law enforcement officials for not paying their bills or driving $200,000 cars and never once paid their bills. This violates all government and consumer laws. Once they were caught they cried like a baby saying this Company built this CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number credit profile for me and they should be blamed for me never once paying my bills. Make it known that you are the one that legally is required to pay your bills. Please be assured that when a law enforcement official comes to us and asks questions about us building, constructing, or manufacturing a credit profile in your name or your false identity please once again make it known that we will indeed expose your identity and credentials fully and it will be you the user of the CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number that takes the fall for not meeting the minimum government or consumer credit laws for taking responsibility for all of your debts that are incurred while possessing and using your CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number credit profile. 

Reasons to not purchase a CPN SCN number profile

Recently, Banks, Credit Card Companies, and Property Management Companies have raised their bar on the way that they check a consumers credit report. Now when you apply for credit utilizing a CPN credit profile number SCN second chance credit profile number they will almost always ask you for a Drivers License number that you are required to comply by filling in the blank with your real drivers license number. They will almost always ask you while applying for credit utilizing your CPN credit profile number SCN second chance number credit profile to check a box on the application to allow them to check one time in 90 days with the SSA Social Security Administration to verify whether your name on the credit application indeed matches the name listed on the SSN Social Security Number block of the application. The only number that will match with the SSA Social Security Administrations system is your original SSN Social Security Administration issued number in your name. Once they see that there is not a match they will immediately pass on you and deny your application with the possibility of fraud. Sometimes the creditor will ask you to upload documents to support your identity while applying with the SSN Social Security Number CPN Credit Profile Number SCN Second Chance Number and once you upload your actual Drivers License DL or Social Security Number SSN Card your CPN Credit Profile Number or SCN Second Chance Number will blend together with your SSN Social Security Number consumer credit bureau and will generally be rendered useless. There are some creditor applications that will not ask for you to check the SSN Social Security Administration Number and will allow the application to indeed go forward. Please don’t be foolish and think that it is OK to upload false documents to the Creditor Bank as proof of who you really are not to support the CPN Credit Profile Number or SCN Second Chance Number. Even if your name and date of birth on the ID identity Card match your authenticated identity but the number of the ID identification Card are manufactured it can and most likely will be construed as committing bank or credit fraud on some level. Some of these banks will approve you and some of these banks will deny your application by utilizing the CPN Credit Profile Number SCN Second Chance Number.

To date, many of these creditors will still allow the CPN Credit Profile Number and SCN Second Chance Number to be utilized for obtaining basic level apartment rents and vehicle loans mostly and well under $60,000 MSRP. 

Instead of wasting your money, time and effort on CPN Credit Profile Numbers or SCN Second Chance Numbers that let you sown almost all the time due to the unrealistic expectation that the CPN Credit Privacy Number SCN Second Chance Number provides due to expecting more than any of these programs can provide you in return for your monetary investment into these programs, you should instead join our CreditSupreme business builder program:  You can find my form "CREDITSUPREME 2650" at: as this program will change the way you think about credit. When we bring somebody on board our Business Builder Program they will either bring with them an existing Business that has a history of being in business that we will build upon or we will build from the ground up a “startup” business from scratch brand new with no history. We first start our Business Builder Program by making sure the Business is registered properly with the Secretary of State and that all of the information matches with the Business information and with the Business Bank in which the Bank account is with. For our Business Builder program you must have an active  website that is at a bare minimum informative about your business and business practices. It must be in line with the business NAICS category code that you chose initially when you started your business. This sets the tone for your business category and type of business and you must always use this code or category consistently when applying to a creditor for any credit. Your NAICS code must be one that is from the good list and not the bad list…meaning there are certain categories of businesses that are not looked highly upon by the banks. Some businesses are favorable. Banks like to do business with the categories that are favorable because they deem them bonafide and trustworthy of doing business with due to such factors as average business volumes, low default rates, and turns of inventories. Banks like these things so pick a business category off of the good list to give yourself a good initial start. 

As part of our Business Builder Program you will amass about 14 trade accounts that are active and usable in your business name. These 14 accounts are the accounts that report back to the business credit report and score the business on Experian Business and Dun & Bradstreet. All of the other accounts that do not report back we don’t want and are not interested in initially. We do not get any credit from accounts that don’t report back. These 14 commercial trade accounts will have combined total credit limits that are usable in upwards of $85,000. These 14 accounts are put onto the credit profile in a certain systematic order that most people trying to do it themselves would almost only acquire 2-3 accounts at the most. This systematic approach has been perfected by us over the course of 3 years and allows us to fastrack the program in only 6-9 months. One these program accounts report to the business profile you can qualify for SBA financing for your business with the best terms available due to your perfect credit score of 95-98. You will even qualify for zero down payment auto loans through our commercial vendor that also reports back to the business credit profile giving you more credibility for the next vendor that wants to be a part of your business credit journey. 

But beside all of the elements of our Business Builder Program that we have discussed in the above paragraphs that is the most amazing thing is that all of the 14 commercial trade accounts come with no personal guarantee. The Auto loan also requires no personal guarantee. Once you set up a program like this for yourself you’ll never use your personal credit again for anything on planet earth. You’ll be able to just let your Social Security number credit file that’s probably been bad your whole life set an age all the bad falls off Angela once again at some point in time have perfect credit on your Social Security credit file.I know that this is hard for most people to grasp or even imagine but this business builder program of ours is absolutely amazing and you need to be a part of it. If you have numerous businesses you can run all of them through here at the same time even and you will get a discount on everyone of them after the first that you sign up if they’re done all at the same time. You can either go to the main menu and click on Creditsupreme business filter program or you can click on the link here that will take you to the application you can fill it out and get started. Don’t delay this program should’ve been done in 2022 for most people preparing for the 2023 recession. It’s still not too late to get started you can get started anytime and we will lead you the entire way doing most things for you. Once again you can click on this link to get started…

You can find my form "CREDITSUPREME 2650" at: