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Tradelines and Business Files Only

  • CPN & SCN
    ARE 100% LEGAL !!!

    CPN Number / SCN Number is a unique nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to all three credit bureaus. CPN Number / SCN Number can be used instead of an individual’s Social Security number for many types of credit transactions rather than using a Social Security number for all credit transactions, using a CPN Number / SCN Number makes it easier to segregate finances in the event of identity theft or just to HAVE A FRESH START. CPN Number / SCN Number is a unique nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to all three credit bureaus. .
    +Get Started
  • Old Credit Profile

    After you started fresh with your new CPN Number / SCN Number it’s time to do what’s call “Credit Repair“ or simple cleaning your old credit profile. ShapeMyCredit will dispute your and help you remove bed inquiry’s on monthly bases until your happy with the results. ShapeMyCredit credit repair easy for you by using our real time interface system that you can log-in all day every day and see updates or ask our credit repair specialist’s questions. When you’re are ready to take action we will be ready to help! Credit Repair Program Clean up the errors on your credit report. Improve your scores. Our real time interface program makes it simple. If you are ready to take action we are ready to help!.
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  • Pay As You Go
  • CPN Number
  • Credit Repair
  • Testimonials
cpn number new profile new startCPN Number: Have your new credit profile in 7 days.+

CPN Number

Start Fresh with a new credit profile.

shapemycredit cpn number tradelinesTradelines: Have 720+ FICO Credit score in 30-60 days.+


Bost your CPN Number FICO score.

credit repair shapemycreditCredit Repair: Rise your old credit profile score .+

Credit Repair

Clean / Repair your old credit profile.

cpn number new profile new start

A CPN Number it's your right!

A CPN Number is legal & it’s you right to keep your Social Security Number private, and use a separate number for any basic consumer credit related purposes. You are only required by law to disclose your Social Security Number to the Internal Revenue Service, your employer, when registering a motor vehicle, buying a firearm, or applying and obtaining a federally-insured loan such as FHA, Sallie Mae, etc. Our CPN Number pricing starting from $200.00

credit repair shapemycredit

Time to fresh up your old credit file...

First you need to know there is no guarantees in a court of law and it’s the same when it comes to repairing you credit report file, ShapeMyCredit is here to remained you this before you start and if any other credit agency tell you otherwise just isn’t being honest. ShapeMyCredit, there are no yearly contracts. If you are ever dissatisfied, you are able to cancel at any time.
Our Credit Repair pricing are $59.99 a month!

cpn number clinets

Testimonials from HAPPY clients!

"After getting ripped off from 3 other "Credit Repair" companies I am so happy that i met the Shapemycredit team... their CPN number program just saved my life and now i can manage my personal and business credit much easier with my fresh start"

This is only a sample of one happy clients. Read More

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CPN Number / SCN Number... Your way to an Excellent FICO SCORE

cpn number fresh start

ShapeMyCredit CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) programs will help you to establish a new credit profile and START FRESH or just start keeping your Social Security Number Private.

CPN Number / SCN Number is 9 digit number same as SSN or TIN, etc. after generation the CPN Number / SCN Number the number will be clear scanned three times + Lexus nexis scanned then ShapeMyCredit will TRI-Merged the new credit profile number with your personal information with the THREE CREDIT BUREAUS, now you have two options first one is to build you FICO SCORE slowly by yourself or go with Second options and APPLY / POST authorized user Tradeline or Tradelines (a well-known secret of mortgage brokers and real-estate agents) to your CPN Number / SCN Number These “Tradelines” will boost your credit score to EXCELLENT FICO SCORE literally overnight.


Read more about ShapeMyCredit amazing CPN Number / SCN Number Programs

CPN Number / SCN Number Your way to an Excellent FICO SCORE

cpn number fresh start


ShapeMyCredit CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) programs will help you to establish a new credit profile and START FRESH or just start keeping your Social Security Number Private.

A CPN Number / SCN Number is 9 digit number same as SSN or TIN, etc. after generating the CPN Number / SCN Number the number will be clear scanned three times + Lexus nexis scanned then ShapeMyCredit will TRI-Merged the new credit profile number with your personal information with the THREE CREDIT BUREAUS, now you have two options first one is to build your FICO SCORE slowly by yourself or go with Second options and APPLY / POST authorized user Tradeline or Tradelines (a well-known secret of mortgage brokers and real-estate agents) to your CPN Number / SCN Number These “Tradelines” will boost your credit score to EXCELLENT FICO SCORE literally overnight.

Read more about ShapeMyCredit amazing CPN Number / SCN Number Programs

SCN / CPN Number, Tradelines & Credit Repair

ShapeMyCredit CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) programs will help you to establish a new credit profile and START FRESH or just start keeping your Social Security Number Private.

CPN Number / SCN Number is 9 digit number same as SSN or TIN, etc. after generation the CPN Number / SCN Number the number will be clear scanned three times + Lexus nexis scanned then ShapeMyCredit will TRI-Merged the new credit profile number with your personal information with the THREE CREDIT BUREAUS, now you have two options first one is to build you FICO SCORE slowly by yourself or go with Second options and APPLY / POST authorized user Tradeline or Tradelines (a well-known secret of mortgage brokers and real-estate agents) to your CPN Number / SCN Number These “Tradelines” will boost your credit score to EXCELLENT FICO SCORE literally overnight.

Credit Repair is not a fix for everyone. If you are in debt, have troubles with collectors, or are unable to pay your bills, we are not the answer for you. But if you have concerns about the accuracy of your credit report and want to improve your total FICO SCORE, we offer an amazing effective solution.
If you provide us a user ID and Password to your existing SSN credit we will login, analyze your credit accounts, and come up with a solution as well as pricing for restoring your credit back to its perfect state all within a 4-6 month period. We do not challenge the credit bureaus any longer...We litigate against the creditor themselves and seek a remedy...That remedy is removal of the negative credit account from your credit report. We have a 99% effective win rate!


What Are Tradelines ?

What are Tradelines?

A Tradeline is simply an account on your credit report. Every account, whether it is good or bad is called a tradeline. Now there are two different types of tradelines (Primary Tradelines & Authorized User Tradelines) when you open a credit card by yourself it will show up as “Primary Tradeline” and when using someone else tradelines it will show up as “Authorized User Tradelines” on your credit report.

Tradelines are like Wine The more age your tradeline has, the better it impacts your credit score.

Learn More About Tradelines

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